test Before you use our commissions inquiry service, please make sure the case(s) show up in the carrier portal under new business and that the policy(s) have been issued. Then, after issue, please allow adequate time for standard payroll to happen before starting an inquiry. Acknowledgement: Yes, I have verified my policy(s) are in force and have waited the recommended time to receive commissions. Agent Name (required) Agent Email (required) Agent Phone (required) Do you have one policy inquiry or multiple?OneMultiple [group One] Customer Full Name (first, MI, last) Customer DOB Carrier Name Policy Number App Submission Date App Effective Date Notes [/group] [group Multiple] For multiple inquiries, please download & complete the excel inquiry sheet, then drag or attach it below. Download Excel Commission Inquiry Form File(s) MAX Files: 1 | MAX Upload Size (50MB) | Accepted File Types (XLS, XLSX, CSV, PDF) ***If you have trouble submitting this form then you may need to adjust your antivirus software to allow the form to collect data. Notes [/group] [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]